Sunday, August 12, 2012

Reauski, sexy art NSFW

(I recommend listening to Bell and Sebastian's"Slow Graffiti" with this post)

 I met a model on line and did a few pictures of her inspired by her photos.

NSFW: Please be aware that this post has drawings of nudes.
She calls her self Reauski from the fact that her family comes from western Russia. It turns out that she is also an artist with a degree in studio art which explains her ability to express herself so well visually.

Of coarse my pictures don't really do her beauty justice but they do have something there own.

As an artist it’s always a challenge to capture what you see in your head. Do you cock the head more; lift that shoulder; bend that leg more? Do I use a crow quill pen, a pointy brush, a dry brush?

As an artist you start off with your rough sketches. You try to get down the essence of an idea in a quick sketch. Usually these roughs have a freedom and fluidity that is hard to keep in the finished work. That’s why they are so important. They are the map as well as the model to be lived up to.

The finished work is often more stiff and lack the vitality of the sketch. Sometimes it’s because you lack the right detail, and other times it’s your pen work just isn’t fine or fluid enough.

But if you want to keep drawing you’ve got to accept the challenge and dare to do poor work. You've got to remain focused on what could do rather what has been done. Of coarse the finally outcome is never as good as you hoped though it's never completely horrible either.

Though if you keep going you do learn something and you do get marginally better each time you make a new picture.

And maybe one day you will achieve that point where the drawings just flow out of you without effort, completely inspired and even impress you. I'm not there yet. I think I've got a ways to go. It's still very much a labor to get what I want but it's something I aspire to.

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